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Re: VOTE 16 years 2 months ago #61

Ha ha...who needs CNN or MSNBC?  This thread is WAY more of an interesting discussion that ANY of the news shows are having!  You guys should start your own podcast! 
Lori :-)

Lori Martin
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Re: VOTE 16 years 2 months ago #62

CNN, MSNBC, FOX--they are all just wannabes who couldn't make it in the real world and had to retreat into a world of their own fantasy about what is happening in the world.  They enter their fantasy world and never leave it.  At least when we enter the TD world most of us come back out--well some of us come back out--ok a couple of us come back out--ok I come back out to the real world because I'm the only person who sees the world as it should be seen.  Wait a minute, now I remember why I come back to the real world--I have to make it to the tokenaholic anon meeting.
Author of The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Talon of Light
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--The Caduceus
and The Brazen Serpent Cronicles--Dragon Kiln
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Cenote Gate (in process)


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Re: VOTE 16 years 2 months ago #63

<br />Ya, like we're going back to the Clinton administration. Remember, that sort of moderate liberal view of the DLC is _not_ what Obama has run upon. His support is the whacky left who generally consider the DLC to be sellouts. Look at the primary with Hillary. So arguing this is going to be like a Clinton administration is ridiculous bullshit.<br />

<br /><br />I actually think that Obama will move dramatically to the center on many issues.  I think he is a very smart politician and he knows the mood of the country.  I don't think he will make the same mistake that Clinton and the Democrats did in '93-'94 by over-reaching on their agenda (i.e., National Healthcare) which resulted in the Republican take over of Congress in '94.  <br /><br />So, I am hopeful that Obama will spend his political capital well and sparsely -- and as a result he will govern well and to the center.  I am sure he will have to give some manna to the left-wing, but I think with the cooperation of the MSM he will be able to hold them at bay with minimal offerings.  Look how well he side-stepped the flip-flop on public financing of his campaign and about-face on telecom immunity.  <br /><br />My biggest worry is his judicial appointments.  The Filibuster will mitigate this somewhat, but much depends on how much unity the 40-43 Republican senators will share.  Keep your fingers crossed.
Token Conjurer
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Re: VOTE 16 years 2 months ago #64

Who would have thought my political views would be so close to those of a guy with a funny name like Widseth. <br /><br />Henwy, go live in the jungle with the malaria mosquitos and cocaine terrorists.<br /><br />Realistically - we can't catch and fry every scumbag who had a hand in the mess we are in now, like the Fannie and Freddie guys. It seems like all we can do is hope that Obama has the wisdom to keep from taking the country to hell, and that he can fend off Pelosi and Reed and their ultra liberal cronies that represent the views of such a miniscule part of our population. Wait a minute, in many ways, he is one of those. I hope he was only kidding back then and his campaign face is who he really is.
Of all the traits of humanity, there is only one we do not share with other species, which sets us apart and makes us unique <br />-- the ability to imagine.

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Re: VOTE 16 years 2 months ago #65

Pelosi and Reid are hardly ultra-liberal - if they were, Pelosi would be President right now and Bush and Cheney would both be in prison.<br />
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Re: VOTE 16 years 2 months ago #66

That would happen if she could, not if she had more liberal views. I'm no fan of Bush and Cheney is a criminal with a legal support staff in my opinion. I never supported them. I supported McCain in 2000, but Pelosi is such a pathetically partisan politician, and she espouses the views of so few americans, she is anathema for most of us.
Of all the traits of humanity, there is only one we do not share with other species, which sets us apart and makes us unique <br />-- the ability to imagine.

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Re: VOTE 16 years 2 months ago #67

Let's see.  She's pro-choice, like most Americans.  She wants to bring the troops home from Iraq sooner rather than later, like most Americans.  She supports expanding health care and increasing the minimum wage, like most Americans.  She believes the government should take steps to reduce global warming and pollution, like most Americans.  Yeah, she's a real monster.<br />
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Re: VOTE 16 years 2 months ago #68

I do sincerely hope Obama can do some constructive things.  With his solid majority in both houses it is logical that he should be able to, but he has some formidable obstacles after what I think will be a very short honeymoon.  This is still an unproven Congress with a single digit approval rating, and it didn't help when real problems came to them that Pelosi declared a recess and said lets go home.  I think she has lost the confidence and support some members of her own party, and in her hubris, I don't think she even realizes it.  Harry Reid will be the leader of the Senate in name only.  Ted will be out of the picture, but there is a little lady named Hillary who (just my observation) is the type of person who would like to prove that the Democrat party made a mistake.  I think she will become the Democrat power center in the Senate.  Obama's problems only begin in Congress, because the Democrat party is such of conglomeration of special interests that he will be pulled in several directions at once by people who want promises fulfilled.  What will unions say when the global warming crowd starts to bankrupt coal companies.  What will the clean energy people say when we have to spend money for research on nuclear power or drilling?  What happens when the troops don't come home as fast as the anti war crowd wants or we get into an expanded shooting war in Afganistan and soldiers start to die in greater numbers again.  Or heaven forbid we are struck again on our soil.  Where does the gay adjenda fit in?  Animal rights anyone?  Personally I see Obama's biggest problems in the future will be with his own party because it mostly consists of fractionalized segments that united because they hated the Bush administration.  <br /><br />Time will tell.  I'm afraid we in for an interesting ride.  I hope it isn't too interesting.  I fall back on my creed--Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and deal with what comes.<br /><br />Funny name like Widseth?   Hmmmm Dis bee beyond bee leaf.  Where is the bee leaf anyway?  Willow tree or oak tree?
Author of The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Talon of Light
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--The Caduceus
and The Brazen Serpent Cronicles--Dragon Kiln
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Cenote Gate (in process)


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Re: VOTE 16 years 2 months ago #69

<br />I do sincerely hope Obama can do some constructive things.  With his solid majority in both houses it is logical that he should be able to, but he has some formidable obstacles after what I think will be a very short honeymoon.  This is still an unproven Congress with a single digit approval rating, and it didn't help when real problems came to them that Pelosi declared a recess and said lets go home.  I think she has lost the confidence and support some members of her own party, and in her hubris, I don't think she even realizes it.  Harry Reid will be the leader of the Senate in name only.  Ted will be out of the picture, but there is a little lady named Hillary who (just my observation) is the type of person who would like to prove that the Democrat party made a mistake.  I think she will become the Democrat power center in the Senate.  Obama's problems only begin in Congress, because the Democrat party is such of conglomeration of special interests that he will be pulled in several directions at once by people who want promises fulfilled.  What will unions say when the global warming crowd starts to bankrupt coal companies.  What will the clean energy people say when we have to spend money for research on nuclear power or drilling?  What happens when the troops don't come home as fast as the anit war crowd wants or we get into an expanded shooting war in Afganistan and soldiers start to die in greater numbers again.  Or heaven forbid we are struck again on our soil.  Where does the gay adjenda fit in?  Animal rights anyone?  Personally I see Obama's biggest problems in the future will be with his own party because it mostly consists of fractionalized segments that united because they hated the Bush administration.  <br /><br />Time will tell.  I'm afraid we in for an interesting ride.  I hope it isn't too interesting.  I fall back on my creed--Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and deal with what comes.<br /><br />Funny name like Widseth?   Hmmmm Dis bee beyond bee leaf.  Where is the bee leaf anyway?  Willow tree or oak tree?<br />

<br /><br />Well said Master Widseth, and my name was just the wimsy of the moment, I'm sorry to report. <br /><br />Sadly, I agree with much of what you say, and even more sadly, the simple concept of stubbornly not spending more than you can afford, didn't even make it to the top of the stream of consciousness. Heaven help us.
Of all the traits of humanity, there is only one we do not share with other species, which sets us apart and makes us unique <br />-- the ability to imagine.

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Re: VOTE 16 years 2 months ago #70

  • henwy
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Lets see, she's for partial birth abortion, unlike most americans. She's against offshore drilling for oil, unlike most americans. She's against parental notification for minors getting abortions, unlike most americans. She's against vouchers for education, unlike most americans. She's for racial preference, unlike most americans. Weee, isn't this fun.

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Re: VOTE 16 years 2 months ago #71

There no such thing as partial birth abortion - that's simply a code word for anti-choice people for a medical procedure used almost exclusively in extreme cases.  As far as parental notification, if most Americans were for it, proposition 4 in CA would have passed on Election Day.  The House did indeed pass increased offshore drilling (unnecessarily), which she could have blocked if she was so set against it.  And Americans are in favor of affirmative action programs that are used to address past injustice.  Whee, fun indeed.<br />
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Re: VOTE 16 years 2 months ago #72

  • henwy
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Haha. The day that california represents the country will be a sad one indeed. Take a look at some of the national polls on notification. The same would go for ones on racial preference. Even blue states have passed anti-preference bans, a couple just this past tuesday. The national polls also back that up. <br /><br />And we all know why a lot of hippies don't like the completely apt term of partial birth abortion. They don't want people to really be aware of what goes on when some fetus gets its brain vacusucked while halfway through the birth canal. Just as some vegetarians claim that we would all not want to eat meat if we visited a slaughter house, I'd bet a better proportion of people would swap if they actually participated in a mid-late term abortion for shits and giggles.

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