

HUGE 2025 True Dungeon News!  
Below are links to two videos which share a bunch of info about the upcoming 2025 True Dungeon adventures.  Nutshell: Token pre-orders start Oct. 1st, and they ship Nov. 1st.  We have 9+ amazing events planned for 2025. 

2025 Treasure Token Info

2025 Event Teaser

It is going to be an epic year!



True Dungeon Schedule for 2024

Mark your calendars now for these remaining True Dungeon events happening in 2024:

VTD Patron Event (Sept 20th)
VTD-25 "Book of Spells" (Sept 21-22nd)
Gamehole Con (Oct 17-20th)
VTD-26 "Heart of the Sphinx" (Nov 8-10th)
VTD-27 "Grunnel's Holiday Special 2" (Dec 6-8th)

2024 Virtual & In-Person True Dungeon Multi-Event Transmute Tokens: To say thanks to the VTD (and in-person) players, we're making two special Limited-Edition Transmute tokens available during the 2025 transmute season that'll require a Participation token from every 2024 VTD event (or every 2024 in-person event). Transmuting all the 2024 VTD Participation tokens will create either a Charm of Divine Gifts (in-person) or a Ring of Psychic Mastery (VTD).

Click on the menu choices on the right of this page to learn more about an individual event.


More About Virtual True Dungeon Events

Virtual True Dungeon

Check out this short video to see how Virtual True Dungeon works!

Your virtual True Dungeon game is presented through an amazing interface that features live-camera feeds, recorded cut scenes, new skill tests and animated clues. It is like you and your friends are really there. You view your adventure through an incredible graphical presentation that includes interactive NPCs, live video feeds, prepared cut scenes, animated effects and graphics as well as interactive new skill tests. These virtual adventures are hosted through Zoom. You'll need to create a Zoom account, but the free version works just fine with VTD. And while it may technically be possible to play VTD over Zoom on a phone, we highly recommend using a desktop or laptop computer & monitor.

Equipping and managing your character is a snap with a free iOS or Android app or tdcharactercreator.com. You can also search for "Character Gen for True Dungeon" in the App Store or Google Play. The apps/website roll attacks, damage, and saving throws while keeping track of hit points as well as used spells and powers.

Your ticket includes the postage to send you swag after the event via USPS Priority Mail. These goodies include three random draws (or more if you have treasure enhancers equipped) from a Treasure Generator, and a Participation token, a free bag that includes a random pack of 10 Treasure Tokens. And if your character survives, you are sent a Survivor button, too.

CLICK HERE to see available tickets. They go fast!

Here are links for the three character management programs available for use with Virtual Dungeon. All of them are completely free. Please click one of the links below to help you master your program of choice.





PAX South (January 15th-17th, 2021)

It's a little early to reveal our plans for PAX South 2021, but we think you're really going to be excited to see what we have to offer. If you'd like to be kept in the loop, CLICK HERE to sign up for our newsletter. Your email address will NOT be given to anyone else.

Admission covers your enhanced two-hour adventure, provides you with a 10 FREE Treasure Tokens in a velveteen drawstring pouch ($8 value), at least three draws from the Random Treasure Generator Chest (super-rare tokens can be had!), and a collectible limited-edition Treasure Token that only players can acquire.

All the events take place in the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in downtown San Antonio, TX.  We run a FREE 24-minute demo (with standard queue line) in addition to the two-hour adventures. There is no waiting line for the two-hour adventure, as your e-ticket has an exact start time. Be sure to show up at least 15 minutes early for your two-hour adventure, and don't be late. The adventure starts with or without you.  

Tickets will be available at td.events. One person may purchase all 10 tickets in a time slot if desired. The cost of each ticket is $68. That's $12 less than playing these adventures at Gen Con.

CLICK HERE to view a trailer for all the fun we had at PAX South 2020.



We need your help to bring True Dungeon to life at PAX South. You will have a lot of fun, make some great new friends, and get some great swag & benefits, too! 

At PAX South, volunteers can sign up for two types of volunteer positions:

  • Full-Time (volunteer Thursday, January 14th through Sunday, January 17th)
  • Local Install and Dismantle Crew (volunteer Wednesday, January 13th & Thursday, January 14th & some on Sunday, January 17th)

Full-time Benefits include:

  • FREE PAX South 3-Day Badge
  • FREE spot in a 4-person hotel room
  • Meal Stipend
  • FREE limited-edition Ultra Rare volunteer-only Treasure Token
  • FREE Swag!

To submit a volunteer application, or to get more information, please CLICK HERE.

All volunteers MUST first create an account, and then they must fill out an application. This information is kept secure, and is used to select and schedule all volunteers. You will be contacted by the True Dungeon Volunteer Coordinator to confirm your duties at PAX South. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.


PAX West 

Due to PAX West moving to an "everything is in the convention center' model (and no hotel space being used), True Dungeon will NOT be back at PAX West -- unless something changes.  We wish the fine folks at PAX West all the best, and we thank them for all the past fun.  It is a great show, and we hope to someday be back.






Welcome Gen Con Attendees!
True Dungeon is back again for its 21st anniversary. You can once again experience some amazing True Dungeon fun at the Gen Con in Indianapolis, IN from Thursday August 1st – Sunday August 4th, 2024. Gen Con Indy is the world's oldest and largest game convention, and True Dungeon is its most fan-favorite event. 

CLICK HERE to see all available tickets--which go on sale at Noon (Eastern Daylight Time) on Sunday, May 19th, 2024. Tickets sell out fast, so be sure to get your tickets as soon as you can the day they go on sale.

You must obtain a 1-Day or 4-Day convention badge either by purchasing one or earning one through volunteering with TD. You must have a badge to buy tickets.

Click here or on the image above to watch the Gen Con Teaser Trailer!

If you are new to True Dungeon, check out THIS VIDEO to learn more!


Four Great Adventures

Temple of the Dune Viper - To deliver the finest event possible, we are presenting this deluxe, brand new adventure. This special module features two multiple path choices so you can tailor your adventure to experience more puzzle or combat oriented fun. Join us and see for yourself all the amazing NPCs, impressive sets, and immersive encounter spaces! 

The cost of the ticket includes TWO free 10-packs of 2024 Treasure Tokens ($20 value), three draws from our random Treasure Generators (with a chance to draw an uber-rare token), a limited-edition collectible Participation Token, Experience Points for your account, and a special limited-edition "event only" Survivor button -- if your character makes it to the last room alive.  Due to a big rise in costs for volunteer stipends (up to $500), hotel costs and many other expenses, the price of our deluxe multi-path adventure is $118 per ticket. 

Tomb of Terror Redux - Last year's deluxe multi-path Tomb of Terror adventure was a massive hit, but many players could not get tickets.  So, we are bringing it back in an amazing way.  We took the six best rooms from last year's adventure, and we added a brand new cool puzzle room that will be a big hit with players.  The cost of the ticket includes TWO free 10-packs of 2024 Treasure Tokens ($20 value), three draws from our random Treasure Generators (with a chance to draw an uber-rare token), a limited-edition collectible Participation Token, Experience Points for your account, and a special limited-edition "event only" Survivor button -- if your character makes it to the last room alive.  Due to a big rise in costs for volunteer stipends (up to $500), hotel costs and many other expenses, the price of this adventure is $108 per ticket.

Important Note

To help give new players the best chance at a great TD adventure, we have designated this adventure as a "sealed-pack" adventure. You may only equip the tokens you get in your TWO free ten-packs, and you may only play it on the Normal or Hardcore challenge rating. All players get three random draws from our Treasure Generator box. Even though you may not equip a treasure-enhancer, if your player level is 6 or higher and you show your Signet of Nobility (or higher player level reward) to your coach, you'll earn one extra treasure draw at the end of this adventure. Players of 9th-level or higher who show their Badge of Nobility (or higher player level reward) gain +1 to AC. This is a great adventure for all players, but newer gamers can enjoy the more simplified token format. This is your last chance to enter the Tomb of Terror. See you there!
Note: For the purpose of earning player XP, Tomb of Terror Redux is considered the same adventure as Tomb of Terror. Therefore, unless you survive further into the dungeon than you did on all previous plays, you won't earn any additional XP by playing Tomb of Terror Redux.

Curse of Crimson Isle - This thrilling pirate-themed adventure takes place after the events of last year's adventure "Ebony Bay."  This adventure has been presented and honed at MomoCon and Gamehole Con to rave reviews.  We have further improved it by swapping in a brand new puzzle room that is a blast to play.  Come have some pirate-themed fun!  You will enjoy some highly immersive sets, some wonderful NPCs and some fearsome monsters. Your party must find the final resting place of One-Boot Billy to end his ghostly plundering of the King's Sea.  Any tokens may be used, and any difficulty rating is allowed. 

The cost of the ticket includes TWO free 10-packs of 2024 Treasure Tokens ($20 value), three draws from our random Treasure Generators (with a chance to draw an uber-rare token), a limited-edition collectible Participation Token, Experience Points for your account, and a special limited-edition "event only" Survivor button -- if your character makes it to the last room alive.  Due to a big rise in costs for volunteer stipends (up to $500), hotel costs and many other expenses, the price of this adventure is $108 per ticket.

True Dungeon Con-Quest: "The Golden Obelisk" - All the quality, fun and adventure of a seven-room dungeon but presented in a four-room sealed-pack format. It features the same high-quality sets, props, effects, and costumed performers as our standard adventures but in a shorter time frame and at a more budget-friendly price. MORE DETAILS HERE.

This Con-Quest adventure, set in the deserts of Chaldea, challenges our brave adventures to unlock the mysteries of the Golden Obelisk. This ancient relic is said to grant knowledge that would otherwise be unknowable to mortals. This information is vital to locating an evil artifact known as the Flame of Hate (which you find in Temple of the Dune Viper).

This is a sealed-pack adventure, so equipping your character with your 10 random Treasure Tokens will be a fun and easy experience.  You may only play it on the Normal or Hardcore challenge rating. Even though you may not equip a treasure-enhancer, if you're a 6th-level player and you show your Signet of Nobility (or higher player-level reward) to your coach, you'll earn one extra treasure draw at the end of this adventure.  Players of 9th level or higher will also gain their level benefit of +1 to AC. 

The cost of the ticket includes one free 10-pack of 2024 Treasure Tokens ($10 value), three draws from our random Treasure Generators (with a chance to draw an uber-rare token), a limited-edition collectible Participation Token, Experience Points for your account, and a special limited-edition "event only" Survivor button -- if your character makes it to the last room alive.  The cost of this shorter, but full-quality adventure is $68.



2024 Event Details


FIVE Levels of Challenge
Non-lethal: If all players in the group agree, the party can tell their Coach they want to play their adventure on the "non-lethal" challenge rating. This is designed for people who just want to enjoy their True Dungeon adventure without having to worry about their character dying. Awarded XP for this challenge level is 650 XP.

Normal: By default, all parties play their adventure on the Normal challenge level--characters can die on this difficulty, but a good party can emerge victorious with only basic equipment as long as they work well together and think on their feet. If this challenge is either too much or insufficient, other levels are available. Awarded XP for this challenge level is 650 + 50/room reached.

Hardcore: If all players in the group agree, the players can tell their Coach they want to play their adventure on the "Hardcore" challenge rating. This is for people who have some TD experience and at least 3 bags of tokens. Awarded XP for this challenge level is 1650 + 50/room reached.

Nightmare: If all players in the group agree, the players can tell their Coach they want to play their adventure on the "Nightmare" challenge rating. This is for people who have lots of experience, moxie, and/or tokens. THIS IS A VERY DIFFICULT EVENT.  Awarded XP for this challenge level is 1650 + 50/room reached.

Epic: If all players in the group agree, the players can tell their Coach they want to play their adventure on the "Epic" challenge rating. This turns the difficulty up to 11. All bets are off when you play Epic. Assume your character will die! Awarded XP for this challenge level is 1650 + 50/room reached.


Experience Points Earned
Players--not characters--receive Experience Points (XP) for playing TD adventures and gain various benefits for achieving higher levels. Some TD veterans are now 11th level. The amount of XP earned is based on the challenge rating of the adventure as well as how many rooms your character enters alive. (Your character need not survive the entire adventure to get max XP, your character just needs be alive when entering the final room.)

Non-lethal = 650 XP
Normal = 650 XP + 50 XP/room
Hardcore= 1650 XP + 50 XP/room
Nightmare = 1650 XP + 50 XP/room
Epic = 1650 XP + 50 XP/room

If a person plays the same adventure more than once, they receive the highest XP earned in all runs of that particular adventure. E.g., if someone plays an adventure twice, once at the Normal level and once on Nightmare level, that player receives XP for the Nightmare adventure only. (I.e., the XP awards for the same adventure don’t stack.) If you played Curse of Crimson Isle, Tomb of Terror, or The Golden Obelisk at a previous event, the XP you get for playing that adventure at Gen Con won't stack with it.

To save time and hassle with creating your transmuted tokens, we offer a location where you can create 2023 and 2024 transmuted tokens right there on the spot. There is no charge to use this service and it's available to all token collectors.

Before coming to the Transmuting Room, please use this form to prepare your transmute order. It contains the order form that you need to date & sign before turning in, recipe checklists you need to include, and slips to insert in the token bags you turn in. Please have all your tokens organized and all paperwork completed before coming to the Transmuting Room. During peak times, there may be a line at the door. Having all your stuff prepared ahead of time helps us to help you and your fellow collectors get through the line as quickly as possible.

Note: We are not able to convert standard tokens into Trade items or Reserve bars at Gen Con.

At Gen Con 2024, the Transmuting Room is open the following times:

  • 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on Thursday, August 1st
  • 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on Friday, August 2nd
  • 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday, August 3rd
    Transmuting is not available on Sunday.

For Gen Con 2024 only, you may construct any Safehold X token that has already been released. In other words, in addition to the current blue and orange Transmutes, you'll be able to transmute the following:

Please Note: Safehold III is not on that list. You cannot make a Safehold III at Gen Con 2024 because Safehold III is not available until October 2024.


Participation Tokens
As stated earlier, players earn a cool, limited edition participation token just for playing a TD adventure. There are four unique tokens available at Gen Con 2024; one for each adventure, regardless of level of difficulty. There are also unique Survival buttons available; one for Normal/Hardcore and another for Nightmare/Epic. Anyone playing on the "Non-Lethal" setting receives a participation token, but no Survival button can be earned.




True Dungeon Returns to Origins Game Fair!

True Adventures, Ltd. is very happy to announce our return to the Origins Game Fair June 19th-23rd, 2024 in Columbus, Ohio.  In this first year back, we will be presenting a new four-room “Con-Quest” adventure entitled “The Golden Obelisk”.  

The exciting event shares the quality and fun of a seven-room dungeon, but it is presented in a four-room "sealed pack" format (with a free pack of Treasure Tokens included). It features the same high-quality sets, props, effects, and costumed performers as our standard adventures but in a shorter time frame and at a much-reduced cost.  Tickets are $48, and they will be available starting on January 21st, 2024 at the TD Ticket website.  Each ticket comes with a free 10-pack of Treasure Tokens and a limited-edition Charm of Osiris Participation Treasure Token.  

Token Transmuting:  We will be open token transmuting on Saturday, June 22nd ONLY (from 9am to 6pm) for token collectors who wish to transmute their unwanted tokens into limited-edition tokens.  Thus, in addition to the normal Trade and Transmute tokens, you can also transmute your Safehold IV (and Underlings) tokens. 

UPDATE:  We are allowing Origins folks to skip the wait and transmute their Safehold III: Under Construction token at Origins -- instead of waiting until July when it becomes available online.

“The Golden Obelisk” adventure tasks the party with finding a mysterious monument to help unlock an ancient secret. 


Gamehole Con

Oct. 17th - Oct. 20th, 2024

Due to great reviews from a previous mega-dungeon adventure, we have crafted another amazing and immersive enhanced dungeon. Your party must explore the vile temple of Set to locate and extinguish the Flame of Hate to stop a grave calamity in the world of Chaldea.  It features multiple paths (where you can choose a more puzzle or combat oriented adventure), expansive and immersive rooms, and amazing NPCs and monsters. Players get one free bag of 10 Treasure Tokens ($10 value), at least 3 random draws from our Treasure Generators, and a collectible limited-edition Rare token. Those who survive the adventure gain a special "Survivor" button.

The cost of each ticket is $88. You can view times and purchase tickets here.  Check out the teaser trailer below.


True Grind is BACK!

The ultimate True Dungeon hack-n-slash is back.  This is 60 minutes of intensive combat that challenges your party to survive a slew of vile monsters released when the Flame of Hate is extinguished by the Tear of Creation. This combat-only event is designed for veteran TD players who love battle. There are no XPs nor Survivor buttons available, but a Rare Participation token (TBD) will be given to all players.  A flat amount of 25 draws from our Treasure Generators will be given to all players, so no Treasure Enhancing tokens need to be equipped.

Click here for Plane of Fire rules for True Grind at Gamehole Con 2024.

Length: 90 minutes

Cost per ticket: $88


Main Event Participation Token!

Players who play the "Temple of the Dune Viper" event earn a cool, limited edition Rare participation token just for playing a TD adventure, regardless of level of difficulty. There are also unique Survival buttons available; one for Normal/Hardcore and another for Nightmare/Epic. Anyone playing on the "Non-Lethal" setting receives a participation token, but no Survival button can be earned.

Note: Shirt of Psychic Power is not required to make Ring of Psychic Mastery.

Token Transmuting

To save time and hassle with transmuting your tokens via the mail, we offer a location at GHC where you can drop off tokens to be transmuted -- then pick them up later at your convenience. This is a great way to exchange tokens without the expense and hassle of shipping. (Your token submissions still need to be bagged & tagged.) This service is open to all token collectors.

Before arriving at the Transmuting Room, please have your order form completed and your token bags properly filled & tagged. You can download the in-person form on this page.

Transmuting Hours:

  • Thursday:
    • 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
    • 3:30 pm to 8:00 pm
  • Friday:
    • 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
    • 3:30 pm to 8:00 pm
  • Saturday:
    • 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
    • 3:30 pm to 8:00 pm


Virtual True Dungeon: Mini-Quest - "Bogwood Befouled"

CLICK HERE to view our quick teaser trailer!

CLICK HERE to see a video on how Virtual True Dungeon works!

CLICK HERE to read our FAQ

True Dungeon is excited to announce that we are hosting a one-hour virtual adventure during Gen Con Online (Sept. 17th-19th). This special adventure tasks the party to end the source of evil that has tainted the Bogwood Forest.

Event registration for Gen Con Online opens at noon Eastern Daylight Time (16:00 UTC) on August 15th. The Gen Con Online event catalog becomes available on August 6th so you can browse events and build your wish list before event registration opens. A free Gen Con Online badge is required. Badge registration is open now.

The adventure features fan-favorite combat and puzzle rooms from our previous V-series of full two-hour virtual adventures. If you have been curious about how VTD works, this is your chance to grab your friends and try it for the low price of $18 per ticket. Unlike standard VTD adventures, Mini-Quest participants do not receive treasure pulls, player 10-packs, participation tokens, or survivor buttons after their adventure. However, all Mini-Quest players receive an XP code worth 500 XP. Players who have already played at least one VTD adventure cannot earn XP from playing the Mini-Quest "Bogwood Befouled".

True Dungeon virtual adventures use Zoom to connect you and your party to your virtual DM. Be sure to have Zoom installed before you start your adventure. We also use one of two mobile apps or a web-based tool to manage the mechanics of combat and make your adventure even more fun. Please install and make yourself familiar with one of these tools:

Feel free to look at all the characters to see which ones you might wish to play. Each character is already equipped with good tokens--including at least one Ultra Rare! If you have any questions, please ask on our Forum HERE.

For years I have dreamed of making uber-cool dungeons at Gen Con.  I mean really cool adventures.  Really, really cool dungeons that would transport players to another world for two hours.  We have steadily worked toward that goal for the past 15 years, but we have never gotten as close as I would like.  

If I could dream really big, TD at Gen Con in 2019 would just be two massive dungeons with tons of multiple paths, secret doors and bonus rooms. But the cost of the ticket would have to be sky-high. I know that is not practical, so I've long considered the idea of doing three dungeons as we announced last week.

A handful of things made me pull the trigger on this dream this year.

First, we did a preliminary test last year with the “Dancing Among Stones” adventure at Gen Con 2017.  We arranged it so some of the "curtained hallways" were replaced with nicely themed townscape areas.  We went overboard on that adventure -- both in terms of cost and time budgets, but I was so happy with the result. After 15 years of slowly growing TD I felt we had finally gotten to the place I first dreamed about in 2003 while conjuring up True Dungeon over pancakes with Peter Adkinson (co-owner of Gen Con). After Gen Con 2017 was over and the test rooms went so well, I knew with a little more space, budget, and time to build we could have made Dancing Among Stones an amazing experience if all the holding areas were themed.

Second, I visited Universal Orlando this past October, and went on tours of all their amazing haunts. I got to meet with their head honcho, and that visit really inspired me to raise the quality of the event. It re-affirmed my wish to completely blow folks' minds with their TD experience, but to do that I knew that I needed more space.

Third, I ain't no spring-chicken these days. I'm 53 and I'm starting to prioritize the fulfillment of dreams a wee bit more these days. We just signed a 5-year deal with Gen Con, and I want to make these coming 5 years amazing while my vigor remains to push the envelope on what we can do.

Fourth, we just hired Mike Naglee full-time to help take over some of the aspects of running TD so I can spend more time working on the more creative side. This hire will allow us to make the Astral module (N1) (premiering at Origins Game Fair in June) a brand new module -- instead of a "best of" adventure as originally announced.

Fifth, from a logistics stand-point, doing the same events from Gen Con at Gamehole Con, PAX South and other Cons just makes a lot of sense. In the past, we've had to do two weeks of work in the warehouse after each Con just to re-configure all the sets, props and costumes to match the new unique structure of the upcoming event. And, mistakes can be made...stuff got left behind or the wrong things were brought. With this change, after the upcoming Gen Con we will unload the trailers into the warehouse (each intact in its own space), and then very easily re-load them in an afternoon to go to Gamehole Con. We will have a few pallets of consumable supplies to re-load. So, if you multiply the two weeks' savings per Con, you can see that over a month of time will be saved this year in the warehouse. This is time we can spend making better sets and props.

Despite all these points, the plan just a few weeks ago was still to leave Gen Con as-is -- with 4 modules (2 different modules each with a combat and puzzle side) in 2018. It was not until a fateful trip last week that I decided to think about making the big move.

I took the kids (ages 11 & 16) to Orlando last month for a quick Spring Break trip to Disney and Universal. Lori had to take her elderly father out West for a visit, so we decided at the last second to hit Orlando.

So...there I was at Disney World.  I was standing in the middle of Main Street at the Magic Kingdom -- watching the throngs of people immensely enjoying themselves.  I thought back to Walt's crazy idea to open Disney World back in 1971. It might surprise you to learn that it was a huge financial gamble, and many "experts" thought his castle in the swamp would be a big fiasco. But he rolled the dice and followed his creative dream… and his initiative ended up being widely loved by generations of folks who need some "wonderment" in their life.  It was there on Main Street looking up at the castle, surrounded by people from across the globe, that I decided it might be finally time to go for it.  

When I got back to TD HQ, I put out some event structure ideas for discussion, and we talked about lots of scenarios. I finally asked the TD Team if they wanted to follow me on the crazy idea of going with 3 enhanced dungeons. They gave out some great Pro and Con feedback , but in the end we all felt that 3 enhanced adventures  was the way to go.

That decision was re-affirmed this week as we set to work on re-configuring the planned event for only three enhanced dungeons.  All that extra space will add so much fun to the adventures!  The spaces between rooms will now be adventure spaces themselves -- with clues and fun to be had while you wait.  We can't wait to see all those excited faces at Origins, Gen Con and beyond. I think you guys are in for a treat.

And yes...in case you are wondering...I am really worried that the new ticket price will be our undoing. I kept it as low as I could. Remember that we just hired Mike Naglee full-time and his talented wife Jenn part-time , so the smart and safe thing to do would probably have been to up the price from $62 to $66 and kept the 4 dungeon scheme. Heck, we even entertained the idea of adding a 5th dungeon, as it would have been possible to shoe-horn it in there with a slight decrease in overall event quality. I have to admit the extra $120,000 in revenue for a 5th adventure was tempting, but for lots of reasons that idea was abandoned.
If I've learned anything, it's that life is too short, so after 15 years of hard work I went with my dream. Let's hope it is not a castle in the swamp! 

Okay...then why did you add back an old 4th adventure?

Another good question.  We received lots of great feedback from our TD Community after we made the big announcement, and the number one concern voiced was the extra $16 added to the ticket price from 2017.  Many felt that TD would see a lot fewer new players trying out the event.  Additionally, many long-time players called for a way for them to still enjoy TD without the higher ticket price.  And finally, we realized that there would be some space savings due to the decrease in Coaching Rooms needed.

Being someone who likes creative challenges, I got to work trying to find room to present another (older style) adventure.  After playing around with possible map ideas, I called up the always friendly and passionate CEO of Gen Con (David Hoppe), and we worked together to re-configure the "swing space" exit corridor.  David was good enough to allow us to move the entire Epilogue area into the swing space -- which we will lightly theme for your exiting fun.  

This gained space (along with the extra space from fewer Coaching Rooms) allows us to present the fan-favorite "Into the Viper's" module from 2014 at the low ticket price of $48.  The adventure will have curtained "holding areas" between rooms and a smaller footprint than the N-Series modules, but it should still be a hoot to play for folks.  More info HERE.

So...if you are still reading this...well...thank you.  Thank you for your interest, your support and your faith in the TD Team.  We have an amazing year planned for all our Cons, and I hope to see you there.

-- Jeff Martin

Creator & Head Geek at TD HQ

Most Transmuted tokens are created by combining ingredients that are less than 18 months old. Every now and then, players enjoy constructing more aspirational Transmuted tokens. Examples of these include:

  • Boots of the Four Winds
  • Kilt of Dungeonbane
  • Supreme Ring of Elemental Command

The core ingredients of those Transmuted tokens were comprised of Ultra Rare tokens that were released across multiple successive years.

Up until, 2019, all of those tokens were part of the Elemental Eldritch set. In 2020 we began a new multi-year Transmuted token which is the first component of a brand new powerful set bonus. The first of these Ultra Rare "key ingredient" tokens was the Shirt of the Oaf. Over the next four years we released four Ultra Rare Shirts. The first three gave bonus/penalties toward the physical stats (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution) while the fourth one granted +3 Focus (+3 to cast healing spells, cast damage spells, and polymorph damage) and a saving throw penalty. At the end of those four years, all four of these shirts could be combined into the Arcanum Shirt which gives +2 to all three physical stats and +2 Focus. This shirt is the first token in the new Arcanum set.


The second token in the Arcanum set is going to be Arcanum Greaves (final name TBD). The first three of an eventual four key ingredients used to transmute these greaves are Greaves of Absorption (2023), Greaves of the Stalwart (2024), and Greaves of Deflection (2025).


In 2026, you'll be able to combine all the Rings of the Xth Circle into the Ring of the Sacred Circle. The powers of this robust ring are shrouded in mystery, but we think you'll enjoy having it. Ring of the Sacred Circle is also going to be part of the Arcanum set.



And while we're strolling down this path in the garden of über-cool tokens, we'd be remiss if we didn't walk toward the Path to Enlightenment. Once you've collected all four fragments, you'll be able to discover the location of the Mark of Enlightenment. What will this Mark do? You'll have to wait until closer to Ring Con to find out...

Both the Ring of the Sacred Circle and Mark of Enlightenment are going to be featured prominently at Ring Con--a very special in-person event coming in 2026. Check out the Ring Con page for all the details.

2026 is also going to see the next "4C" token released. A "4C" is a Relic whose recipe includes multiple years of monster trophies. The tentative name for this upcoming token is Earcuff of Greater Glory. It'll allow the wearer to equip up to four Rings. Save your monster trophies from 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026 because this recipe is going require every monster trophy from every one of those years--in addition to other ingredients.

2024 marked (pun intended) the debut of Mark of the 3rd Tenet, the first of three in the Mark of the Xth Tenet series. These can be combined into Mark of the Tenets in 2026. A Mark is a magical design that's placed on the skin. Within the context of the game, a Mark is temporary and can be changed between adventures. (think henna) But in real world terms, a Mark token is permanent and barring extraordinary circumstances, is not collected when used.


These next tokens aren't actually multi-year, but since they're a bit out of the ordinary, we wanted to make sure our players know they exist and can make plans to create them--if they choose to do so.

Orb of Annihilation became transmutable in 2024. Among other ingredient tokens, it required one of each VTD participation token from calendar year 2023.





Totem of Heroism is the first ever slotless level-boosting token! To transmute this mighty clockwork beast, you'll need to acquire all 40 of the platinum-back "tinkering" tokens that could only be found in 2022 treasure pulls.

When the specified quota of unique items from a set are equipped, additional effects come into play. Some set bonuses have only two required items while other set bonuses may require six. See each set's description for details.

Assuming all the required pieces can be equipped simultaneously, characters may benefit from more than one set bonus—either from different sets or within the same subset. E.g., a character enjoying the Might Quintet bonus also gains the Trio & Quartet bonuses. (But remember, +level effects never stack.)

When a set bonus is achieved by equipping a weapon, shield, orb, or anything held in (not worn on) the hand, the hand-held item is "locked in" for that mode of combat. Therefore:

  • If you equip a hand-held item in a melee slot to fulfill a set bonus, you must keep that specific hand-held item equipped when engaging in melee combat.
  • If you equip a hand-held item in a ranged slot to fulfill a set bonus, you must keep that specific hand-held item equipped when engaging in physical ranged combat.

You may temporarily swap one or both hand-held set-piece items (either melee for ranged or ranged for melee) and maintain the set's bonus. However, the bonuses granted by the individual "lost" item(s) won't apply. E.g., a ranger using Scepter, Orb, and Boots of Might to gain a level may swap out the scepter and orb to use a ranged weapon, but may not use any other melee weapons. During the swap-out, the ranger loses the +2 Strength bonus granted by the Orb of Might, but maintains the +1 level granted by the Might set.

To qualify for a set bonus, the set's quota must be filled with unique items if the items are Ultra Rare or lower in rarity. E.g., a ranger may wield two +1 Mithral Long Swords, but they only count as one when it comes to qualifying for the Mithral set bonus. However, if both of the set weapons are either Relics (★) or Legendaries, they count as two items toward the set's quota.

(of the) Ancients Set

When at least 3 items are worn, the character gains +1 level. There is no 4-piece bonus.

Arcane Set

When all three items are equipped, the first 0–2nd-level spell the wearer casts is not marked off their character card. This ability may be used once per game--not once per spell, not once per spell level.

Arcanum Set [coming Soon]

As of 2025, only the first item in this set has been released. The second and third items are coming in 2026. The specifics of the set bonus have yet to be revealed.

Cabal Set

When all three items are equipped, the character may cast two spells in one round, once per room. Unlike the effect from Bracelets of the Zephyr, the bonus spell is not cast as a scroll and can be modified.

Celestial Set

When all three items are equipped, character gains immunity to melee and mental attacks from evil outsiders.

Charming Trio

When at least three items are equipped, character gains +1 level. There is no four-piece bonus.

Darkthorn Set

When all three items are equipped, attackers take 2 points of Piercing damage if they successfully damage the wearer with a melee attack.

Deadshot Set

When all three items are equipped, character gains +1 level.

Death Knight Set

When three items are worn, grants 4 points of Darkrift Retribution Damage. Even if one could wear more than one set of armor, there is no additional bonus for equipping more than three items.

Defender Set

When all three items are equipped, character gains Free Action and +1 to AC (in addition to the AC granted by the individual items.)

Dragonhide Trio

When at least three items are equipped, character automatically succeeds on saving throws vs. dragon breath weapons and gains +3 to all saving throws.
Don't confuse Dragonhide with Dragonscale (see below). They are not interchangeable. But if three items from each set are equipped, both set bonuses will be bestowed.

There is no additional set bonus for equipping more than three Dragonhide items.

Dragonscale Set

When all three items are equipped, Fire damage inflicted upon the character is reduced by 10. This bonus supersedes the bonuses granted by the individual items in this set.
Don't confuse Dragonscale with Dragonhide (see above). They are not interchangeable. But if three items from each set are equipped, both set bonuses will be bestowed.

Elemental Eldritch Set

The Elemental Eldritch Set bonuses are shown below. The bonuses granted at each tier are grand totals—not cumulative. E.g., the 3-piece bonus only gives a healer a +6 to their cast healing spells, not +10.



Heals Cast**


















*+Level effects never stack

**Only affects cast healing spells (see "Healing Bonus Note" note below), not special powers, scrolls, wands, etc. A "special power" is not a "spell". Rule of thumb: if it's not printed on the character card under a section titled "Spells", it's not a spell.
Healing Bonus Note: This bonus is for spells cast by the healer, not spells cast on the healer--unless the healer and the target are the same person (self-healing.)
Multi-Target Note: Multi-target attacks/heals get a pool of bonus damage/healing to be allocated among the eligible recipients as the attacker/caster sees fit. It does not grant the full bonus to each target.

Affects melee, missile (including alchemical weapons), and spells, but not special powers or items (scrolls, wands, etc.)

Footman Set

When all three items are equipped, character gains +2 to AC and Cold damage inflicted upon the character is reduced by 1 point per attack.

Lucky Set

When at least two items are equipped, the wearer's maximum HP increases by 5. There is no additional bonus if a character equips more than two items.

Might Trio

When three items are equipped, gain +1 level.

Might Quartet

When four items are equipped, in addition to the Trio bonus, the character's melee attacks do +2 Damage (for a total of +1 level and +2 Damage)

Might Quintet

When five items are equipped, in addition to the Trio & Quartet bonuses, the character's melee attacks do and additional +2 Damage (for a total of +1 level and +4 Damage)

Mithral Trio

When three items are equipped, take only half damage from breath weapons. There is no Quartet bonus.

Mithral Quintet

When five items are equipped, in addition to the Trio bonus, the character gains Deadbane: any successful melee attack from an undead monster to the wearer does 10 points of damage to that undead monster.

Mithral Sextet

When six items are equipped, in addition to the Trio and Quintet bonuses, the +1 Mithral Long Sword instantly kills a dragon on a natural 20 if the 8 or 9 on its damage wheel is closest to the damage dot on the combat board.

Mountain Dwarf Set

When all three items are equipped, Cold damage inflicted on the character is reduced by 1.

Redoubt Set

When at least three items are equipped, the character gains +2 to Strength and +5 to max HP. There is no additional set bonus for equipping more than three Redoubt items.

Sea Raider

Unlike most set bonuses that increment based on the number of tokens equipped, the Sea Raider set bonus increases the more body slots you equip with a Sea Raider item. For the purpose of this set's bonus, there is only one Weapon slot. Even though it's possible to equip more than one Sea Raider weapon, no matter how many different Sea Raider weapons you're using--Melee, Ranged, or both--those Sea Raider weapons only count once toward this Set bonus.

For every two slots you equip with a Sea Raider item, you gain +1 to your maximum Hit Points. Therefore:

  • Equipping a Sea Raider item in 2-3 unique slots adds a total of +1 to your max HP
  • Equipping a Sea Raider item in 4-5 unique slots adds a total of +2 to your max HP
  • Equipping a Sea Raider item in 6-7 unique slots adds a total of +3 to your max HP
  • Equipping a Sea Raider item in 8-9 unique slots adds a total of +4 to your max HP
  • Equipping a Sea Raider item in 10-11 unique slots adds a total of +5 to your max HP
  • Equipping a Sea Raider item in 12 unique slots adds a total of +6 to your max HP

For full details and FAQ, see the Sea Raider Mega Set Bonus page.

Silver Elf Set

When all three items are equipped, the wearer is immune to underwater hindrances. There is no additional set bonus for equipping more than three Silver Elf items.
No other tokens with "Silver Elf" in their name are part of this set.

Snake Priest Set

When at least three items are worn, all your Melee and Ranged attacks deal +1 damage as Poison. There is no 4-piece bonus.

Templar Set

When all three items are equipped, character regenerates 3 Hit Points upon entering a room.

Viper Strike Set

When at least three items are equipped, all characters gain +2 To Hit on all attack slides (including spells.) In addition to the To Hit bonus, monks and rogues gain an additional benefit.

Monks: If their Viper Strike weapon critically hits, it deals +5 Poison damage—which gets doubled to 10 because it's a critical hit. (If you prefer to think of it as +10 Poison damage which is not doubled, that's fine too.)

Rogues: When making a sneak attack with a Viper Strike weapon, the bonus damage from the sneak attack (+15 if the rogue is 4th level or +20 if the rogue is 5th level) is doubled if a critical hit is scored. Under normal circumstances, the +15/+20 bonus damage from a sneak attack is not doubled on a crit.

There is no additional set bonus for equipping more than three Viper Strike items.

Wind Set

When all three items are equipped, the character gains the feather fall effect and immunity to non-magical missiles.

Note: These are the only three tokens in this set. Other tokens with the word "Wind" in their name do not qualify.

Zealot Set

When at least three items are equipped, Darkrift damage inflicted on the wearer is reduced by 1 point per attack/effect. There is no additional set bonus for equipping more than three Zealot items.

True Adventures, Ltd. and MomoCon are excited to announce their new partnership with the world premiere of a new True Dungeon adventure at MomoCon in May 2020. The highly-immersive live-action D&D escape room game is entitled "S1 - Weird Magic." It challenges players to sneak into a foreboding tower owned by an evil sage who wields both magic and alien tech. Tickets ($58) go on sale Jan. 28, 2020. All players must purchase both a MomoCon convention badge and a True Dungeon event ticket to play the two-hour adventure. The teaser trailer can be seen here.


Completion Tokens

At the conclusion of their adventure, all players of "S1 - Weird Magic" receive a completion token. The token received depends on the challenge rating their party elected to run for that adventure.


Volunteer Tokens

All True Dungeon volunteers at MomoCon receive a special token only available to volunteers. Part-time volunteers receive a Shirt of the Panther token and full-time volunteers receive a Pants of the Panther token. For more information about volunteering for True Dungeon, please visit tdvols.com.

Who's Yer Con has been cancelled by its organizers. It's an unfortunate turn of events, but we agree that it's the right thing to do at this time. We look forward to being able to see all our friends and token collectors in the near future.

V1b - Nymph & Nimblewit (September 5th-7th) < our second showing of this event

Our first showing of this virtual event during Gen Con weekend was a smash hit!  So, we have added a new show for the Labor Day weekend.  Tickets will be available at www.td.events.  This performance will feature unique Participation tokens, but XP will not stack with other V1 adventures played.

This module tells the story of an adventuring party's shortcut through a faerie forest that unveils a strange secret.  This new knowledge will send them on a year-long quest over five adventures that will lead up to (and flesh out) next year's in-person S-series of modules.

This virtual adventure will be hosted through Zoom, and it is designed to best be viewed on a computer monitor.  You will view your adventure through an incredible graphical presentation that will include live video feeds, prepared cut scenes, animated effects and graphics as well as interactive new skill tests.

Managing your character in combat will be a snap with a free app that will make all your combat rolls, keep track of hit points and check off used spells and powers.  Just search for "True Dungeon Character Generator" in your app store.

Your ticket includes the postage to send you swag after the event via USPS Priority Mail.  These goodies will include three random treasure draws (or more if you have treasure enhancers equipped) from a Treasure Generator, a Participation token, an XP code for the adventure, and a free bag that includes a random pack of 10 Treasure Tokens.  If your character survives the adventure, your package will include your Survivor button, also.

The swag that can be earned is shown below.


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