Transmuted Token Redemption


In 2012 we added a new mechanic for treasure tokens: Transmuted Tokens. Tokens previously known as Combo and Artifact tokens all now fall under the Transmuted token umbrella. Transmuted tokens are like the old Combo tokens in that you turn in multiple "ingredients" to make a new, more powerful token.

To make a Transmuted token, you need a specific set of ingredient tokens. Here's a hypothetical example: to make the Transmuted token Wand of Chain Lightning you might need the following tokens:

  • Wand of Lightning
  • Darkwood Plank (Trade token)
  • Hammer & Sickle (gear)
  • Scroll: Call Lightning
  • Oil of Enchantment (Trade token)
  • 200 Gold Pieces (GP)


 Please Read 

PLEASE follow these instructions when you are packing up your tokens to send in to us. Yes, it's a lot to read and follow, but it is vital information. Do NOT be a victim of a damaged or destroyed package! We want to make sure your tokens arrive safely. People who pack their tokens without following those guidelines often wind up with damaged packages and missing tokens. Don't be one of those people.

The Transmutation Process

All of the ingredients are consumed in the transmutation process. The only thing that gets mailed back to the collector is the single new Transmuted token--in the case of the above example, a "Wand of Chain Lightning". Once you've acquired all the necessary ingredients, you can either mail them to True Dungeon throughout the year, or exchange them at select in-person events. We do not exchange Trade or Reserve tokens at Gen Con. The only thing you can exchange at Gen Con are Transmuted tokens. We are not logistically able to exchange Trade or Reserve tokens at Gen Con, so be sure that you have all the Ingredient tokens you need before coming to Gen Con.

Timing Note: If you want your tokens before a specific convention, we must receive your shipment at least TWO WEEKS before the start of that convention--otherwise we will not transmute your order until about a week AFTER we return from that convention. Mail-in recipe redemption ceases two weeks before and one week after most in-person conventions we attend. Please reference the Upcoming Events section for our schedule.

Recipies based around Common and Uncommon tokens produce Enhanced (think of them as Uncommon+) transmuted tokens. Recipes based around Rare tokens produce Exalted (think of them as Rare+) transmuted tokens. The costs associated with these are comparatively moderate.

There are also transmutable recipes based around Ultra Rare tokens. These recipes produce Relics--exceptionally powerful Transmuted tokens, even more powerful than Ultra Rares. Relics have increased costs to go along with their increased powers.

Legendary tokens are extremely powerful. They require hard-to-come-by tokens to transmute. Some Legendary recipes require a Relic token while others may require one or more Ultra Rare tokens.

Enhanced, Exalted, and Relic Transmuted token names are printed in blue. Enhanced tokens have a 3-point star, Exalted have a 4-point star, and Relics have a 5-point star on the token to indicate their relative strength. Legendary items do not get a star. Their unique color communicates their extreme rarity. Enhanced and Exalted Transmuted tokens all have a light blue backing, Relic Transmuted tokens have a very dark blue backing, and Legendary Transmuted tokens have an orange backing.

To obtain one of these Transmuted tokens, you must use our online ordering tool AVAILABLE HERE. This "ordering" is not actually buying the specific tokens (which is NOT possible), it just starts the process for the collector to redeem one or more transmuted tokens. The website guides collectors through the online forms, print out an address label & packing slip, and a listing of the expected Transmuted tokens to be mailed back to the collector. All of this is then mailed to TD HQ. Your Transmuted token order typically gets processed 1-2 business days after we receive it. Currently. there is a flat $10.00 shipping fee for domestic destinations or $30.00 for international. You can get Transmuted tokens by using the online ordering system or by turning them in at select in-person TD events. The online Token Exchange Program (TEP) tool automatically generates all the required forms & labels and puts your order into our ordering system. However, it is up to you, the collector, to print the required paperwork and include it with your token shipkment. This allows us to more easily ship your tokens back to you.

All orders sent to collectors are shipped via USPS Priority Mail. Most orders arrive within 1-3 business days after being shipped.

We HIGHLY recommended you send us your Transmuted token request with some sort of package tracking in place. True Adventures, Ltd. is NOT responsible for any tokens lost in the mail while in route to TD HQ. If you’re mailing in tokens to be Transmuted, non-Legendary groups must be postmarked by December 1st in the year following the recipe’s release year. For example, if you wanted to make a Transmuted token whose recipe came out in 2018, you would have had until December 1st, 2019 to have your token manufactured. If you're not sure when a token's recipe expires, just look up that transmuted token in the Token Database. There is no deadline for Legendary Transmuted tokens, so collectors have time to gather their ingredients. We reserve the right to change the below recipes at any time at our discretion.

No "Equivalents": The Token Exchange Program provides a mandatory checklist of required recipe tokens. For example, if a recipe calls for one Elven Bismuth it means one Elven Bismuth token--not 25 Uncommon weapon tokens (which is the recipe for one Elven Bismuth token). You cannot use the equivalent in "raw" tokens in recipes. You must send in exactly what is written on the form. We strive to make this transmuting process as error-free as possible, so collectors need to gather the exact ingredients listed for each recipe. We realize that this creates an extra step for both parties, but we feel it is the best way to go to avoid potential fulfillment issues.


(Click to Begin)



Don't Forget: Please follow these instructions when you pack up your tokens to send in to us.

Expires December 1, 2024



Amulet of Magnifying
  • 50 GP Magnifying Glass
  • 300 GP


Arcanum Shirt
  • Shirt of the Imbiber
  • Shirt of the Nimble
  • Shirt of the Oaf
  • Shirt of the Shrewd
  • 1× Alchemist’s Ink
  • 1× Alchemist’s Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 1× Darkwood Plank
  • 1× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 1× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 1× Minotaur Hide
  • 1× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 1× Philosopher’s Stone


Boots of Protection
  • Boots of Puhweehwa
  • 5× Alchemist's Ink
  • 5× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 20× Darkwood Plank
  • 10× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 3× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 5× Minotaur Hide
  • 20× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 20× Philosopher's Stone
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars



Greater Bead of Whispers
  • Bead of Dark Resistance
  • 5× Alchemist's Ink
  • 10× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 20× Darkwood Plank
  • 10× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 3× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 5× Minotaur Hide
  • 20× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 20× Philosopher's Stone
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Hat of the Lucky Pirate
  • Pirate Breeches
  • 1× Darkwood Plank
  • 1× Mystic Silk
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Alien Protoplasm
    • C'tharki Blood
    • Cyborg Spittle
    • Shard of Annihilation
    • 500 GP



Ring of Sirenbane
  • Bead of Resolve
  • 3× Darkwood Plank
  • 3× Mystic Silk
  • 3× Philosopher's Stone
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Atar Horn
    • Dryad Hair
    • Idol Eye
    • Siren Tears
    • 1,000 GP Gold Bar (not 1k in "loose change")


Stalker Bead of Focus
  • Figurine of Power: Stalker Squirrel
  • Ioun Stone Stalker's Orb
  • Ioun Stone Stalker's Prism
  • Stalker's Amulet
  • Stalker's Battle Coat
  • Stalker's Bead
  • Stalker's Belt
  • Stalker's Bracelets
  • Stalker's Charm of Grace
  • Stalker's Cloak
  • Stalker's Earcuff
  • Stalker's Faerie Charm
  • Stalker's Gloves
  • Stalker's Greaves
  • Stalker's Headband
  • Stalker's Pants
  • Stalker's Ring
  • Stalker's Shirt
  • Stalker's Shoes
  • Stalker's Spectacles
  • 5× Alchemist's Ink
  • 10× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 15× Darkwood Plank
  • 10× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 3× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 5× Minotaur Hide
  • 20× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 20× Philosopher's Stone
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Stalker Bead of Skill
  • Figurine of Power: Stalker Squirrel
  • Ioun Stone Stalker's Orb
  • Ioun Stone Stalker's Prism
  • Stalker's Amulet
  • Stalker's Battle Coat
  • Stalker's Bead
  • Stalker's Belt
  • Stalker's Bracelets
  • Stalker's Charm of Grace
  • Stalker's Cloak
  • Stalker's Earcuff
  • Stalker's Faerie Charm
  • Stalker's Gloves
  • Stalker's Greaves
  • Stalker's Headband
  • Stalker's Pants
  • Stalker's Ring
  • Stalker's Shirt
  • Stalker's Shoes
  • Stalker's Spectacles
  • 5× Alchemist's Ink
  • 15× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 20× Darkwood Plank
  • 15× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 5× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 10× Minotaur Hide
  • 20× Mystic Silk
  • 3× Oil of Enchantment
  • 25× Philosopher's Stone
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Don't Forget: Please follow these instructions when you pack up your tokens to send in to us.

Expires December 1, 2025


+3 Savage Sword
  • +2 Savage Sword
  • 5× Alchemist's Ink
  • 5× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 3× Aragonite
  • 20× Darkwood Plank
  • 10× Dwarven Steel
  • 5× Elven Bismuth
  • 4× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 10× Minotaur Hide
  • 20× Mystic Silk
  • 3× Oil of Enchantment
  • 20× Philosopher's Stone
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Bead of Horus
  • Charm of Horus
  • 2× Darkwood Plank
  • 2× Philosopher's Stone
  • plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Creeper Claw
    • Golem Bolt
    • 1,000 GP Gold Bar


Bracers of the Inferno
  • Bracers of Fire
  • 3× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Enchanter's Munition
  • 3× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Gargoyle Horn
    • Ghoul Spittle
    • 1,000 GP Gold Bar


Chalice of Chugging
  • 50 GP Oasis Cup
  • at least 1,000 in GP (no change will be given)


Charm of Divine Gifts
  • 1× Alchemist's Ink
  • 1× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 1× Darkwood Plank
  • 1× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 1× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Minotaur Hide
  • 1× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 1× Philosopher's Stone
  • 1× 1,000 GP Gold Bar
  • plus THREE of the following, no duplicates:
    • Charm of Aset
    • Charm of Bast
    • Charm of Hathor
    • Charm of Osiris
    • Charm of Ra
    • Charm of Thoth


Greater Gloves of the Gladiator
  • Gloves of the Gladiator
  • 1× Alchemist's Ink
  • 1× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 10× Darkwood Plank
  • 10× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 1× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 10× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 10× Philosopher's Stone
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Lenses of Sage Sight
  • Bracelets of Arcane Sight
  • 1× Alchemist's Ink
  • 10× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1× Philosopher's Stone
  • plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Spectre Dust
    • Werewolf Blood
    • 1,000 GP Gold Bar


Orb of Annihilation
  • Belt of the Leopard
  • Charm of Distant Melody
  • Charm of Providence
  • Ioun Stone Ruby Orb
  • Ioun Stone Ruby Pyramid
  • Ioun Stone Ruby Spindle
  • Pitcher of Health
  • 2× Alchemist's Ink
  • 2× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 2× Darkwood Plank
  • 2× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 2× Minotaur Hide
  • 2× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 2× Philosopher's Stone
  • 2× 1,000 GP Gold Bar (not 2k in "loose change")
  • plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Goggles of Anticipation
    • Grunnel's Hexed Fruitcake


Ring of Psychic Mastery
  • Bead of the Third Eye
  • Bracelets of Psychic Power
  • Charm of Psychic Power
  • Crown of Psychic Power
  • Ioun Stone Scapolite Prism
  • Pendant of Psychic Power
  • Ring of Psychic Power
  • 2× Alchemist's Ink
  • 2× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 2× Darkwood Plank
  • 2× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 2× Minotaur Hide
  • 2× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 2× Philosopher's Stone
  • 2× 1,000 GP Gold Bar (not 2k in "loose change")

The initial version of this recipe called for Shirt of Psychic Power, but that is no longer the case.


Spirit Pet Asp
  • Charm of Death Asp
  • Asp Runestone
  • 5× Darkwood Plank
  • 5× Mystic Silk
  • 5× Philosopher's Stone
  • plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Death Head Fang
    • Mersnake Venom
    • 1,000 GP Gold Bar (not 1k in "loose change")


Tomb Treasure Chest

Recipe #1
Any combination of 40
of the following:

  • Alchemist's Ink
  • Alchemist's Parchment
  • Darkwood Plank
  • Dwarven Steel
  • Enchanter's Munition
  • Minotaur Hide
  • Mystic Silk
  • Philosopher's Stone

Recipe #2
Any combination of 20 of the following:

  • Aragonite
  • Elven Bismuth
  • Oil of Enchantment

Each Tomb Treasure Chest recipe is distinct. The two may not be mixed and matched.


Below are the timeless tokens whose recipes never expire.

Don't Forget: Please follow these instructions when you pack up your tokens to send in to us.


Aron's Sunhide Robe
  • Starhide Robe
  • Steelclad Cloak
  • Medallion of Mystic Mouth
  • 10× Alchemist's Ink
  • 16× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 5× Darkwood Plank
  • 5× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 1× Minotaur Hide
  • 20× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 13× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Ashenne's Arch-Mage Medallion
  • Mage Medallion
  • Psyferre's Spectacles
  • Ring of Expertise
  • 15× Alchemist's Ink
  • 15× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 30× Darkwood Plank
  • 5× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 3× Enchanter's Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 15× Minotaur Hide
  • 25× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 35× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    ​plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Asher's +5 Viper Strike Fang
  • +3 Viper Strike Fang
  • Viper Strike Belt
  • Viper Strike Shirt
  • Venom Runestone
  • 4× Alchemist's Ink
  • 12× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 4× Aragonite
  • 18× Darkwood Plank
  • 24× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 6× Minotaur Hide
  • 4× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 6× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Ava's +5 Holy Avenger
  • +3 Holy Avenger
  • +2 Flaming Blade
  • Charm of Glory
  • 10× Alchemist's Ink
  • 15× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 30× Darkwood Plank
  • 10× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 3× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 15× Minotaur Hide
  • 25× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 25× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Averon's +5 Deathcleaver
  • +3 Death Cleaver
  • +2 Deadly Drow Blood Mace
  • Gauntlets of Linked Fury
  • Bracers of Frost
  • 4× Alchemist's Ink
  • 12× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 4× Aragonite
  • 18× Darkwood Plank
  • 24× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 6× Minotaur Hide
  • 4× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 6× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Benrow's Elder Drake Necklace
  • Necklace of the Spirit Drake
  • Cook's Hat
  • Key of Healing
  • 15× Alchemist's Ink
  • 15× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 30× Darkwood Plank
  • 15× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 3× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 15× Minotaur Hide
  • 30× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 25× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Boaz's Bead of Whispers
  • Greater Bead of Whispers
  • +2 Sun Scimitar
  • Necklace of the Zephyr
  • 15× Alchemist's Ink
  • 20× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 3× Aragonite
  • 30× Darkwood Plank
  • 15× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 4× Enchanter's Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 10× Minotaur Hide
  • 30× Mystic Silk
  • 3× Oil of Enchantment
  • 30× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Bog's Medallion of Berserking
  • Medallion of Furious Attack
  • Arcane Belt
  • Ioun Stone Banshee Prism
  • 10× Alchemist's Ink
  • 10× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 30× Darkwood Plank
  • 15× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 3× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 10× Minotaur Hide
  • 35× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 35× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Bry’s Anointed Redoubt Plate 
  • Relic Blessed Redoubt Plate
  • Redoubt Helm
  • Redoubt Shield
  • Boots of Agility
  • 4× Alchemist’s Ink
  • 12× Alchemist’s Parchment
  • 4× Aragonite
  • 12× Darkwood Plank
  • 16× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 6× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 6× Minotaur Hide
  • 25× Mystic Silk
  • 3× Oil of Enchantment
  • 10× Philosopher’s Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Charm of Avarice, recipe #1
  • Horn of Plenty
  • Ring of Riches
  • Charm of Good Fortune
  • 6,000 GP in Reserve bars


Charm of Avarice, recipe #2

  • 1× Alchemist's Ink
  • 4× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 7× Darkwood Plank
  • 5× Dwarven Steel
  • 4× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 3× Minotaur Hide
  • 4× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 1× Philosopher's Stone
  • 10,000 GP in Reserve bars
    plus 7 points worth of tokens using the following values:
    • 1 pt: Amulet of Treasure Finding
    • 2 pts: Charm of Good Fortune
    • 3 pts: Ring of Riches
    • 4 pts: Horn of Plenty


Charm of Avarice, recipe #3

  • 10× Alchemist's Ink
  • 10× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 10× Darkwood Plank
  • 10× Dwarven Steel
  • 10× Enchanter's Munition
  • 10× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 10× Philosopher's Stone
  • 10,000 GP in Reserve bars
  • plus 12 points worth of tokens (any combination) using the following values:
    • 4 pts: Amulet of Treasure Finding
    • 1 pt: Bead of Bounty
    • 1 pt: Bead of Greed
    • 1 pt: 2027 UR Treasure Enhancer Bead*
*name TBD


Drake's +5 Staff of Focus
  • +3 Staff of Focus
  • Bracers Supreme Archery
  • Carter's Tome of Insight
  • Drow Raider Necklace
  • 8× Alchemist's Ink
  • 20× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 8× Darkwood Plank
  • 8× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 1× Minotaur Hide
  • 6× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 12× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Druegar's Sacred Necklace
  • Sacred Necklace
  • Charm of the Faerie
  • Ring of the Siren
  • 15× Alchemist's Ink
  • 10× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 25× Darkwood Plank
  • 20× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 3× Enchanter's Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 15× Minotaur Hide
  • 30× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 30× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    ​plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Drue's +5 Baton of Focus 
  • +3 Baton of Focus
  • Goggles of Instant Analysis
  • Ring of Spell Storing
  • Potion Polymorph (Brownie)
  • 8× Alchemist's Ink
  • 10× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 8× Darkwood Plank
  • 8× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 1× Minotaur Hide
  • 25× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 8× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Follower Brawling
  • 1× Follower Steward
  • 5× Alchemist's Ink
  • 5× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 4× Aragonite
  • 10× Darkwood Plank
  • 5× Dwarven Steel
  • 5× Elven Bismuth
  • 5× Enchanter's Munition
  • 4× Golden Fleece
  • 5× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 5× Oil of Enchantment
  • 10× Philosopher's Stone
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Follower Catkin
  • 1× Follower Steward
  • 5× Alchemist's Ink
  • 5× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 4× Aragonite
  • 10× Darkwood Plank
  • 5× Dwarven Steel
  • 5× Elven Bismuth
  • 5× Enchanter's Munition
  • 4× Golden Fleece
  • 5× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 5× Oil of Enchantment
  • 10× Philosopher's Stone
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Follower Dragonkin
  • 1× Follower Steward
  • 5× Alchemist's Ink
  • 5× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 4× Aragonite
  • 10× Darkwood Plank
  • 5× Dwarven Steel
  • 5× Elven Bismuth
  • 5× Enchanter's Munition
  • 4× Golden Fleece
  • 5× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 5× Oil of Enchantment
  • 10× Philosopher's Stone
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Follower Fiend
  • 1× Follower Steward
  • 5× Alchemist's Ink
  • 5× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 4× Aragonite
  • 10× Darkwood Plank
  • 5× Dwarven Steel
  • 5× Elven Bismuth
  • 5× Enchanter's Munition
  • 4× Golden Fleece
  • 5× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 5× Oil of Enchantment
  • 10× Philosopher's Stone
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Follower Hedgekin
  • 1× Follower Steward
  • 5× Alchemist's Ink
  • 5× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 4× Aragonite
  • 10× Darkwood Plank
  • 5× Dwarven Steel
  • 5× Elven Bismuth
  • 5× Enchanter's Munition
  • 4× Golden Fleece
  • 5× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 5× Oil of Enchantment
  • 10× Philosopher's Stone
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Follower Sprite
  • 1× Follower Steward
  • 5× Alchemist's Ink
  • 5× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 4× Aragonite
  • 10× Darkwood Plank
  • 5× Dwarven Steel
  • 5× Elven Bismuth
  • 5× Enchanter's Munition
  • 4× Golden Fleece
  • 5× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 5× Oil of Enchantment
  • 10× Philosopher's Stone
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Follower Stomper
  • 1× Follower Steward
  • 5× Alchemist's Ink
  • 5× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 4× Aragonite
  • 10× Darkwood Plank
  • 5× Dwarven Steel
  • 5× Elven Bismuth
  • 5× Enchanter's Munition
  • 4× Golden Fleece
  • 5× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 5× Oil of Enchantment
  • 10× Philosopher's Stone
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Follower Toadkin
  • 1× Follower Steward
  • 5× Alchemist's Ink
  • 5× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 4× Aragonite
  • 10× Darkwood Plank
  • 5× Dwarven Steel
  • 5× Elven Bismuth
  • 5× Enchanter's Munition
  • 4× Golden Fleece
  • 5× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 5× Oil of Enchantment
  • 10× Philosopher's Stone
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Giln's Redoubt Shield
  • Blessed Redoubt Shield
  • Charm of Synergy
  • Amulet of Guarding
  • Ioun Stone Beryl Prism
  • 4× Alchemist's Ink
  • 10× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 4× Aragonite
  • 10× Darkwood Plank
  • 14× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 6× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 6× Minotaur Hide
  • 20× Mystic Silk
  • 3× Oil of Enchantment
  • 10× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Gregor's Gladiator Gloves
  • Greater Gloves of the Gladiator
  • Boots of Brawling
  • Figurine of Power: Cat
  • 10× Alchemist’s Ink
  • 10× Alchemist’s Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 10× Darkwood Plank
  • 10× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 10× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 10× Philosopher’s Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
  • plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Hireling Archer
  • 1× Hireling Steward
  • 1× Alchemist's Ink
  • 1× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 1× Darkwood Plank
  • 1× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 1× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 1× Minotaur Hide
  • 1× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 1× Philosopher's Stone
  • 1× 1,000 GP Gold Bar


Hireling Brewmaster
  • 1× Hireling Steward
  • 1× Alchemist's Ink
  • 1× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 1× Darkwood Plank
  • 1× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 1× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 1× Minotaur Hide
  • 1× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 1× Philosopher's Stone
  • 1× 1,000 GP Gold Bar


Hireling Champion
  • 1× Hireling Steward
  • 1× Alchemist's Ink
  • 1× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 1× Darkwood Plank
  • 1× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 1× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 1× Minotaur Hide
  • 1× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 1× Philosopher's Stone
  • 1× 1,000 GP Gold Bar


Hireling Duelist
  • 1× Hireling Steward
  • 1× Alchemist's Ink
  • 1× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 1× Darkwood Plank
  • 1× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 1× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 1× Minotaur Hide
  • 1× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 1× Philosopher's Stone
  • 1× 1,000 GP Gold Bar


Hireling Fletcher
  • 1× Hireling Steward
  • 1× Alchemist's Ink
  • 1× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 1× Darkwood Plank
  • 1× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 1× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 1× Minotaur Hide
  • 1× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 1× Philosopher's Stone
  • 1× 1,000 GP Gold Bar


Hireling Martial Artist
  • 1× Hireling Steward
  • 1× Alchemist's Ink
  • 1× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 1× Darkwood Plank
  • 1× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 1× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 1× Minotaur Hide
  • 1× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 1× Philosopher's Stone
  • 1× 1,000 GP Gold Bar


Hireling Oracle
  • 1× Hireling Steward
  • 1× Alchemist's Ink
  • 1× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 1× Darkwood Plank
  • 1× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 1× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 1× Minotaur Hide
  • 1× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 1× Philosopher's Stone
  • 1× 1,000 GP Gold Bar


Hireling Scribe
  • 1× Hireling Steward
  • 1× Alchemist's Ink
  • 1× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 1× Darkwood Plank
  • 1× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 1× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 1× Minotaur Hide
  • 1× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 1× Philosopher's Stone
  • 1× 1,000 GP Gold Bar



Iktomi's Shaper Necklace
  • Shaman's Greater Necklace
  • Charm of Spell Swapping
  • Lenses of Divine Sight
  • 10× Alchemist's Ink
  • 8× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 15× Darkwood Plank
  • 8× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 5× Enchanter's Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 1× Minotaur Hide
  • 20× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 15× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Io's +4 Ultra Keen Slayer Bow
  • +2 Keen Slayer Bow
  • +2 Sacred Sling
  • +1 Arrow of True Flight
  • Arrow of True Flight
  • 2× Alchemist's Ink
  • 8× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 3× Aragonite
  • 25× Darkwood Plank
  • 15× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 8× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 6× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 4× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars
Khing's Ring of Supreme Evasion
  • Ring of Improved Evasion
  • Earcuff of Salvation
  • 4× Alchemist’s Ink
  • 12× Alchemist’s Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 16× Darkwood Plank
  • 18× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 6× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 10× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 4× Philosopher’s Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Kilgor's +4 Savage Sword, recipe #1
  • +3 Savage Sword
  • Acherin's Biting Bow
  • Kilt of Divine Healing
  • 10× Alchemist's Ink
  • 20× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 3× Aragonite
  • 30× Darkwood Plank
  • 20× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 3× Enchanter's Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 10× Minotaur Hide
  • 30× Mystic Silk
  • 3× Oil of Enchantment
  • 30× Philosopher’s Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
  • plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars

Kilgor's +4 Savage Sword, recipe #2

  • Welfor's +5 Slayer Sword
  • 10× Alchemist's Ink
  • 10× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 20× Darkwood Plank
  • 10× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 1× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 10× Minotaur Hide
  • 20× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 20× Philosopher's Stone
Luna's Greater Charm Bracelets
  • Greater Charm Bracelets
  • Amulet of Aiming
  • Charm of Spell Storing
  • 15× Alchemist's Ink
  • 15× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 35× Darkwood Plank
  • 25× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 3× Enchanter's Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 15× Minotaur Hide
  • 25× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 20× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    ​plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Muk's Greater Ring of Havoc
  • Greater Ring of Havoc
  • +2 Mug of Battle
  • Earcuff of the Ravager
  • 20× Alchemist's Ink
  • 20× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 35× Darkwood Plank
  • 25× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 3× Enchanter's Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 15× Minotaur Hide
  • 25× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 20× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    ​plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Pern's Redoubt Helm
  • Blessed Redoubt Helm
  • +2 Archer's Buckler
  • Medallion of Valhalla
  • Ring of the Anointed
  • 4× Alchemist's Ink
  • 10× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 4× Aragonite
  • 10× Darkwood Plank
  • 12× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 6× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 6× Minotaur Hide
  • 20× Mystic Silk
  • 3× Oil of Enchantment
  • 10× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Pharacus' Greater Cloak of Destiny
  • Greater Cloak of Destiny
  • Ring of Fortitude
  • Ring of Iron Will
  • Ring of Reflexes
  • Cloak of the Wind
  • 4× Alchemist’s Ink
  • 8× Alchemist’s Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 16× Darkwood Plank
  • 12× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 6× Minotaur Hide
  • 22× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 6× Philosopher’s Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Ralson's Pendant of the Elder Yew
  • Pendant of the Yew
  • +1 Mighty Short Bow
  • Lenses of Agility
  • 15× Alchemist's Ink
  • 15× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 30× Darkwood Plank
  • 15× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 3× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 20× Minotaur Hide
  • 30× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 25× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Raphiel's Sneaky Necklace
  • Necklace of the Sneak
  • Questor's Charm of Luck
  • Cloak of Shadowskin
  • 10× Alchemist's Ink
  • 5× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 20× Darkwood Plank
  • 8× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 10× Enchanter's Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 4× Minotaur Hide
  • 15× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 15× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Relsa's Ring of Supreme Focus
  • Ring of Greater Focus
  • Charm of Enlightenment
  • Potion Hallowed Oasis Water
  • Scroll Venom Strike
  • 8× Alchemist's Ink
  • 14× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 18× Darkwood Plank
  • 8× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 3× Minotaur Hide
  • 12× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 16× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Rolland's Ring of Protection +6
  • Ring of Protection +4
  • Minor Ring of Fortitude
  • Minor Ring of Reflexes
  • Minor Ring of Will
  • Ring of Protection +1 (Rare, not the UR +1 Ring of Protection)
  • 6× Alchemist's Ink
  • 15× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 16× Darkwood Plank
  • 10× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 4× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 16× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Safehold V (Under Construction)
  • 2× Alchemist's Ink
  • 10× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 20× Darkwood Plank
  • 2× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Enchanter's Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 2× Minotaur Hide
  • 20× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 10× Philosopher's Stone



Safehold V
  • 1× Safehold V (Under Construction)
  • 2× 1,000 GP Gold Bar


Safehold IV (Under Construction)
  • Safehold V
  • 3× Alchemist's Ink
  • 10× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 30× Darkwood Plank
  • 5× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 5× Enchanter's Munition
  • 3× Golden Fleece
  • 5× Minotaur Hide
  • 30× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 20× Philosopher's Stone
Safehold IV
  • Safehold IV (Under Construction)
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Safehold III (Under Construction)
  • Safehold IV
  • 10× Alchemist's Ink
  • 20× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 5× Aragonite
  • 50× Darkwood Plank
  • 10× Dwarven Steel
  • 5× Elven Bismuth
  • 10× Enchanter's Munition
  • 4× Golden Fleece
  • 10× Minotaur Hide
  • 50× Mystic Silk
  • 5× Oil of Enchantment
  • 50× Philosopher's Stone



Safehold III [available October 1, 2024]
  • Safehold III (Under Construction)
  • 10,000 GP in Reserve Bars




Sil's Anointed Redoubt Mail 
  • Blessed Redoubt Mail
  • Redoubt Helm
  • Redoubt Shield
  • Scroll Cure Moderate Wounds
  • 4× Alchemist's Ink
  • 12× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 3× Aragonite
  • 16× Darkwood Plank
  • 16× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 6× Enchanter's Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 6× Minotaur Hide
  • 25× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 10× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Surtr's Girdle of Fire Giant Strength
  • Girdle of Frost Giant Strength
  • Bracers of Fire
  • 5× Alchemist’s Ink
  • 12× Alchemist’s Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 16× Darkwood Plank
  • 16× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 5× Enchanter’s Munition
  • Golden Fleece
  • 18× Minotaur Hide
  • 20× Mystic Silk
  • 3× Oil of Enchantment
  • 4× Philosopher’s Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


TaMor's +4 Mithral Bracers
  • +3 Mithral Bracers
  • Ioun Stone Topaz Sphere
  • 2× Alchemist’s Ink
  • 8× Alchemist’s Parchment
  • 3× Aragonite
  • 16× Darkwood Plank
  • 18× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 8× Enchanter’s Munition
  • Golden Fleece
  • 12× Minotaur Hide
  • 6× Mystic Silk
  • 3× Oil of Enchantment
  • 4× Philosopher’s Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Thor's +5 Returning Hammer of Smiting
  • +3 Throwing Hammer of Smiting
  • Girdle of Stone Giant Strength
  • any Mighty UR weapon*
  • Wand of Thor's Fury
  • 4× Alchemist's Ink
  • 12× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 4× Aragonite
  • 18× Darkwood Plank
  • 24× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Enchanter's Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 6× Minotaur Hide
  • 4× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 6× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars

*It must be an Ultra Rare weapon with the word "Mighty" in its title. "Might" weapons are not eligible.


Totem of Heroism
  • Aragonite Power Crystal (#40)
  • Central Drive Sprocket (#38)
  • Dwarven Steel Spring (#25)
  • Gear Arm (#33)
  • Geared Axel (#28)
  • Gnomish Alloy Spring (#26)
  • Heavy Brass Spring (#24)
  • Large Gold Gear (#12)
  • Large Gold Sprocket (#10)
  • Large Silver Gear (#13)
  • Large Silver Sprocket (#9)
  • Large Steel Gear (#11)
  • Large Steel Spring (#23)
  • Linkage Assembly (#36)
  • Medium Gear Assembly (#7)
  • Medium Gold Gear (#14)
  • Medium Gold Sprocket (#6)
  • Medium Silver Gear (#15)
  • Medium Silver Sprocket (#1)
  • Medium Steel Gear (#8)
  • Medium Steel Spring (#22)
  • Minotaur Hide Gasket (#37)
  • Mithral Spring (#27)
  • Optical Alignment Gear (#39)
  • Ratcheted Gear (#29)
  • Small Flywheel (#20)
  • Small Gear Assembly (#3)
  • Small Gold Gear (#16)
  • Small Gold Reel (#18)
  • Small Gold Sprocket (#2)
  • Small Ratchet Gear (#19)
  • Small Silver Gear (#17)
  • Small Silver Sprocket (#5)
  • Small Steel Gear (#4)
  • Small Steel Spring (#21)
  • Swing Arm (#32)
  • Temporal Delineator (#34)
  • Tension Regulator (#35)
  • Tension Spring (#30)
  • Winding Key (#31)

All 40 numbered 2022 tinkering tokens, no duplicates, no other ingredients


Totem of Wonder
  • 50 GP Idol Baboon
  • 50 GP Idol Butterfly
  • 50 GP Idol Camel
  • 50 GP Idol Caracal
  • 50 GP Idol Cobra
  • 50 GP Idol Cormorant
  • 50 GP Idol Crocodile
  • 50 GP Idol Desert Cat
  • 50 GP Idol Desert Mouse
  • 50 GP Idol Desert Owl
  • 50 GP Idol Desert Rat
  • 50 GP Idol Falcon
  • 50 GP Idol Frog
  • 50 GP Idol Gazelle
  • 50 GP Idol Goose
  • 50 GP Idol Hyena
  • 50 GP Idol Hyrax
  • 50 GP Idol Ibex
  • 50 GP Idol Ibis
  • 50 GP Idol Jackal
  • 50 GP Idol Lion
  • 50 GP Idol Lizard
  • 50 GP Idol Locust
  • 50 GP Idol Meerkat
  • 50 GP Idol Mongoose
  • 50 GP Idol Oryx
  • 50 GP Idol Osprey
  • 50 GP Idol Pig
  • 50 GP Idol Porcupine
  • 50 GP Idol Rabbit
  • 50 GP Idol Ram
  • 50 GP Idol Roadrunner
  • 50 GP Idol Saluki
  • 50 GP Idol Scarab
  • 50 GP Idol Scorpion
  • 50 GP Idol Spider
  • 50 GP Idol Tarantula
  • 50 GP Idol Tortoise
  • 50 GP Idol Viper
  • 50 GP Idol Vulture
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Amulet of Wonder
    • Golden Apple of Eris*
    • Ring of Wonder

*Only if your name is Kent Raquet


Vim's Boots of Protection
  • Boots of Protection
  • Greaves of Absorption
  • Robe of Healing
  • 15× Alchemist's Ink
  • 20× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 3× Aragonite
  • 30× Darkwood Plank
  • 15× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 3× Enchanter's Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 15× Minotaur Hide
  • 30× Mystic Silk
  • 3× Oil of Enchantment
  • 30× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    ​plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Viv's Amulet of Noble Might
  • Amulet of Noble Might
  • +4 Rod of the Meek
  • Axe of the Dwarvish Kings
  • 10× Alchemist's Ink
  • 10× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 25× Darkwood Plank
  • 20× Dwarven Steel
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 3× Enchanter's Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 10× Minotaur Hide
  • 35× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 35× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    ​plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve Bars


Welfor's +5 Slayer Sword
  • +3 Slayer Sword
  • Stu-pendous Pendant
  • Belt of Ogre Power
  • 4× Alchemist's Ink
  • 10× Alchemist's Parchment
  • 4× Aragonite
  • 14× Darkwood Plank
  • 28× Dwarven Steel
  • 4× Elven Bismuth
  • 3× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 6× Minotaur Hide
  • 4× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 6× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars
Widseth's Legendary Lute, recipe #1
  • Lute of Free Fury
  • Earcuff of the Phalanx
  • Dark Disciple’s Shirt
  • 10× Alchemist’s Ink
  • 5× Alchemist’s Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 20× Darkwood Plank
  • 8× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 10× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 1× Minotaur Hide
  • 15× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 15× Philosopher’s Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Widseth's Legendary Lute, recipe #2
  • Lute of Free Fury
  • any THREE (×3) of the following, in ANY combination (duplicates are fine):
    • Amorgen's Amazing Ocarina
    • Briano's Blessed Bodhrán
    • Widseth's Mystical Lute
  • 5× Alchemist's Ink
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 10× Darkwood Plank
  • 3× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Golden Fleece
  • 8× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 8× Philosopher's Stone
  • 25,000 GP Eldritch Bar
    plus ONLY ONE of the following:
    • Wish Ring
    • 15,000 GP in Reserve bars


Frequently Asked Questions

When is the cut-off date for sending in tokens for exchange prior to a convention?
We must RECEIVE your shipment two weeks before the start of the convention if you want to receive it back before that convention. All orders RECEIVED less than two weeks before a convention will be processed around a week after we return from that convention.


Can I send in for more than one Transmuted Token in one shipment to TD? Since they have to be separate bags, can I stick many zip-top bags into one box?
Yes. You can put any number of different kinds of zip-top bags in any Small Flat Rate box. Just be sure the appropriate printed-out label is placed inside each bag.


If I want to transmute a token but I don’t yet have all the required Trade item ingredients, can I just send in the equivalent tokens so I only have to make one shipment?
To fulfill a Transmuted token’s recipe, you must provide the exact items the recipe calls for--not the equivalent in "raw" tokens. E.g., if you want to make a recipe that requires one Elven Bismuth, you must send in an Elven Bismuth token, not 25 Uncommon weapons in its place. This still applies if you are also making Trade tokens for future exchange. You may not send in (as an example) 50 Uncommon weapons and request that one of those two Elven Bismuths be applied to a recipe in the same shipment. Long story short, you’ll need to make two shipments: the first one where you send in for all the Trade and/or Reserve tokens you need, and then a second shipment where you submit the exact recipe the Transmuted token you want calls for.

Why are we being "meanies" like this? The process has been designed to eliminate errors and confusion. It’s quite perplexing to try and interpret the convoluted schemes some collectors concoct. Rather than attempting to decipher twists, turns, and multi-layer cross-references, we want to keep these transactions as simple and uncomplicated as possible. This results in far fewer errors and reduces the number of angry emails from people whose convoluted orders got mixed up.

We realize this situation is not a perfect one, but we feel strongly that this is the best way to handle it. We think avoiding confusion and reducing errors is worth the added inconvenience. We understand it costs more in shipping this way (for both of us), but we think an orderly exchange is ultimately best for all parties.


Do you have any suggestions on how to properly pack my tokens?
YES! In fact, we have an entire page devoted to just that topic. To be frank, they're not just suggestions. To ensure your package arrives at TDHQ safely, you really do need to abide by all those instructions.


(Click to Begin)


NOTE: True Adventures, Ltd. reserves the right to change any of these recipes at any time without prior notice. Any Transmuted Token can also be discontinued at any time prior to its announced closing date.

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